Chop Wood, Carry GA 1/11 🍑
Hi, Team Georgia!
Happy New Year! It’s been a minute—sorry about that. There hasn’t been much major electoral activity in Georgia recently, but of course that’ll be changing soon.
In light of that, I wanted to forward you an invitation to an Airlift event that seems of vital importance. Please consider attending if you want to help win Georgia seats in 2024. It’s a fundraiser, but no donation is required to attend.
Here’s the invite:
GEORGIA ON OUR MINDS: WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO WIN? Featuring Steve Phillips, New York Times Best-selling author of How We Win the Civil War.
January 16, Tuesday, 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET
January is the start of 2024 grass-roots campaigns and organizers are facing cost-cutting measures already. Grass-roots organizers in Georgia responsible for engineering President Biden’s victory in 2020 — and that of two Democratic U.S. senators in 2022 — are growing concerned about their ability to deliver again in 2024. The national money that once flowed freely from Democratic groups to help win pivotal contests in Georgia has been slow in coming. At the same time the challenges in the state to motivate Black low-income voters, particularly rural voters, essential in 2020 and 2022 appear to be growing.
Steve Phillips in a recent New York Times article on the subject was quoted sounding the alarm that a lot of donors are inexplicably leaving Georgia out of the top tier of states to focus on next year in 2024. "We can and should win Georgia," Phillips notes. But we won't if we stop investing. When funding evaporates, so does the incredible organizing apparatus that made the 2020 and 2022 victories possible.
Come hear what Steve has to say. Tell your friends and family about this opportunity to start 2024 with eyes wide open.
This should be a good event. Maybe I’ll see you there!
Thanks, and more soon.