Hi, Georgia volunteers!
I just learned of two more ways you can help us win this special election on May 21 for State Supreme Court in Georgiaβplease sign up if you can! A win in this race would be a huge morale booster and would be a big win for reproductive rights!
John Barrow, who is running for this seat, believes that personal healthcare decisions belong between a patient, their doctor, and their family -- and has a long history of holding pro-choice views. His opponent, Andrew Pinson, clerked for Clarence Thomas, is a member of The Federalist Society, and has a history of litigating against reproductive rights. YUCK!
Indivisible ACTion has organized a Get Out the Vote phonebank for John Barrow for Supreme Court. Sign up and you'll receive the link to the phonebank and other details. This is not a scheduled phonebank event, but something you can do on your own time at your convenience.
And Fair Fight has a text bank on May 9th from 5:30-6PM ET! Sign up here.
Spread the word! Thanks.
I wish I could participate in the text banking for John Barrow on Thursday, but the Democrats in Towns County (far north Georgia) are having a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new Democratic Committee office in our very red county that afternoon. I have voted for John!