Chop Wood, Carry Georgia 9/6 🍑
Hi, Team Georgia!
It’s been a minute—hope you’re all well!
I wanted to invite you to an event tomorrow that I’m really excited about, and that will be informative, exciting, and inspiring. While it’s not specific to GA, it IS about a path to winning everywhere, and I think you’ll find it relevant.
It’s a fundraiser and information session for SPAN, the State Party Advancement Network, TOMORROW at 4PM PT/ 7PM ET!
Why should anyone care about state parties? Because as we all know a strong state party can help Democrats win elections—think Wisconsin and Michigan!—and a weak one can lose us critical seats and change the balance of power in Congress—hello CA and NY! SPAN does incredible work behind the scenes making good state parties better—they’re the secret sauce behind a lot of the success we’ve seen in MN, MI, WI and elsewhere.
The speakers are going to be amazing: Ben Wikler, chair of WisDems, Lavora Barnes, Chair of the MI Dems, and Martha Laning, the founder of SPAN and the former chair of WisDems. The amazing Robert B. Hubbell of
and I will both say a few words, too.I can’t urge you enough to come. State parties are so much more important than we realize, and SPAN is the only organization dedicated solely to making Democratic state parties better—including in Georgia! They deserve our support. You don’t have to give any money unless you’re moved to, but do come learn about the incredible work SPAN is doing.
Register here, and bring a friend! Hope to see you there!
More soon!